By Dr. Shreya Batra, ND
Are you metabolizing your estrogen correctly?
“Estrogen dominance” is a very common term used to describe a state of increased estrogen. There are several ways that this may occur in the body:
Decreased estrogen metabolism/breakdown
High production of estrogen
Reduced progesterone (causing a relative estrogen increase in the body)
Increased exposure to estrogen-like chemicals from environmental factors (foods, plastics, body products…etc)
Symptoms of increased estrogen in the body includes:
Breast tenderness and/or swelling
Increased blood clotting
Mood swings
Slowed metabolism
Increased weight/resistant or stubborn weight
PMS headaches
Heavy and/or painful periods
It is important for us to assess and identify estrogen excess as untreated estrogen imbalance may result in complications. The following are examples of conditions that may be due to long-term untreated estrogen imbalance:
Cysts in the breasts and/or ovaries
Heavy and/or painful periods
If you are experiencing symptoms such as the ones listed above, let’s assess your estrogen levels. These symptoms and estrogen imbalance may arise due to a variety of reasons such as: liver congestion, lack of exercise, use of oral contraceptives, poor diet, and even environmental estrogen disruptors (found in plastics, and even hygiene products).
While supporting proper estrogen metabolism, it is also important to support progesterone production and ensure that there is a healthy ratio between the two hormones.
Start with these 3 simple tips on how to support your estrogen levels:
Exercise: ensure that you are exercising (get your heart rate up!) for at least 30-40 minutes each day. Exercise supports healthy metabolism, elimination and production of hormones. Other benefits – improves mood, energy, and overall health.
Get more fiber into your diet. Fiber will allow for healthy bowel movements (which is one of the best ways to support estrogen clearance and balance). Add extra fiber into your diet by including a daily dose of ground flax seeds, green leafy vegetables, chia seeds, psyllium and beans/legumes.
Support your liver – appropriate liver function is crucial for healthy hormone metabolism. Simple things you can do to support your liver include, limit drinking/alcohol intake, stop smoking, start your day with some lemon water, indulge in green leafy veggies and introduce liver supporting herbs and vitamins.
If you think you are experiencing hormone imbalance, book a 15 minute complimentary meet-and-greet and let’s get started on a treatment plan ideal for YOU!
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